I haven't been here in a while!!!!
I went back to work 10 months ago and LOVE it! Unfortunately my 20hrs a week at work has taken away from my crafting, sewing, painting and creating... not to mention spending time with friends :(
I did manage today to create a silhouette file...
Leah, my brilliant fitness instructor at Motion Fitness said this Wednesday morning (while we were busting out a couple hundred squats and lunges with a barbell on our shoulders). Of course she was referring to strength training but it struck me as profound in relation to every experience we have in our lives! If my dramatic little girls didn't challenge me, then I wouldn't become a better mother and person. If people I worked with at church and work weren't difficult it wouldn't help me to be more patient, understanding and forgiving.
I believe we have a great responsibility while on this earth to become the best people we can be. To make mistakes and learn from them and to encourage those within our sphere of influence to do the same.
I will be cutting this out in vinyl and placing it somewhere in my house where I will see it regularly. Perhaps this daily reminder will increase my patience and understanding as a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.
Perhaps someone else will find the same motivation from these words!
Please leave a comment letting me know if the link worked properly - this is the first time I have used GE.TT