I am determined to be more prepared this year in my church responsibilities as the children's music leader. I was called in the summer last year and felt very scatter brained working off of someone else's plan, to have the children ready for the Presentation in sacrament meeting. This year I feel SO excited to be able to start from scratch and make it mine :)
I scoured online looking for an organized plan I could work off of and found this GEM at Kami's Primary Music Ideas :) Here is her file from 2015. Thank you, Thank YOU Kami!!!!! An excel spreadsheet is a woman after my own heart :)
It has old information that I have updated and changed a bit to suit my needs. You can download my updates HERE.

I attend a Branch with about 18 children so our Junior and Senior Primary's are combined. I also am so lucky to be able to go into nursery for music time as well. I have included my Nursery Plan Rotation (which I will make a separate post about). I found most of the ideas here at Camille's Primary Ideas. Check her out... she is AMAZING!
Please comment with any questions you might have regarding the plan and Happy Singing Time :)
Look at you go! Brilliant!